Thursday 25 October 2012

My video.

 This is my version of the song 'Heads, shoulders, knees and toes'.
  I was very embarrassed so I hope you like it.

My wonderful teacher.

  My new English teacher is Vicente Sanchez Garrigós. He is fifty-five years old and his birthay is 18 April. He is divorced but he hasn't got children. He had a dog named Bobby but he died a year ago.

  He is working in this school three years ago. He worked as teacher of First ESO and he delivered phonebooks many year ago too.

  Vicente was living and studying one year in London.

  He likes traveled and this summer he was in La Garrocha, in Cataluña. It's nice and it is near of France.

  Vicente reads much, he likes drinking beer with his friends, dancing, cycling and cooking. He loves to climb, so he prefers the country-side to sea-side.

  He hasn't car but he has four motorbikes. 

  My teacher likes heavy metal music and his favorite music group is 'Wau y los Arghs'. His favorite movie is 'Demolition man' and 'Cien años de soledad' is his favorite book. He loves the  "arroz al horno" and his mum's lentils. The thing he most hates is jealousy. 

  And this is my teacher Vicente. 

Sunday 21 October 2012

My new blog.

This is my new blog. Here I will show my class work, videos and some photos.
I hope you like.