Job Hunting




Before you start:
    • Read the advert closely so that you can tailor your application to the requirements of the job
    • Research the organization: this will show prospective employers that you really are interested in them.
Composing the letter or email
General points
    • Keep it brief. You don’t need to give a lot of detail. What you are aiming for is a clear and concise explanation of your suitability for the job.
    • Begin your letter or email ‘Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms xxxx’ if you know the person’s name, or ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ if you don’t know their name.
    • Avoid inappropriate language such as slang or technical jargon.
    • Use brief, informative sentences and short paragraphs.
    • Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation carefully. Some employers routinely discard job applications that contain such mistakes.
The usual order of a job application letter or email is:
    • The position applied for: give the title of the job as a heading, or refer to it in the first sentence of your letter, using the reference code if there is one. This will ensure that your application goes directly to the right person in the organization. You should also mention where you saw the job advert or where you heard about the vacancy. If you heard about it through someone already working for the company, mention their name and position.
    • Your current situation: if you’re working, briefly outline your current job. Pick up on the job requirements outlined in the advert and focus on any of your current skills or responsibilities that correspond to those requested. For example, if the advert states that management skills are essential, then state briefly what management experience you have. If you’re still studying, focus on the relevant aspects or modules of your course.
    • Your reasons for wanting the job: be clear and positive about why you want the job. You might feel that you are ready for greater challenges, more responsibility, or a change of direction, for example. Outline the qualities and skills that you believe you can bring to the job or organization.
    • Closing paragraph: in the final paragraph you could say when you’d be available to start work, or suggest that the company keep your CV/résumé on file if they decide you’re not suitable for the current job.
    • Signature: if you are sending a letter rather than an email, always remember to sign it and to type your name underneath your signature.


26 Windmill Road
2 May 2007

Ms Kate Roberts
Human Resources Manager
Business Solutions International
Ambassador House
Marcham Way

Dear Ms Roberts

Vacancy for Business Analyst

I am writing in reply to your advert for the above post, which was advertised in The Guardian
on Tuesday 30 April 2007, and I enclose my CV in application.

I am currently in the final year of a BA (Hons) course in Business Economics at City
University, Bristol, and expect to graduate in June 2007. I have always wanted to pursue a
career as an economist within an international environment and have been able to tailor my
studies to that end. I have obtained A grades in the Economic Data Analysis, International
Economics, and Economics of Business Strategy modules, and am currently completing a
dissertation on the growth of e-commerce in the European Union. I am fluent in spoken and
written Spanish, having built on my A-level proficiency in that subject when working in Spain
and Mexico.

In addition to the qualifications and abilities outlined above, I have kept my IT skills fully up to
date (including MS Excel and Access) and am competent in a wide range of business data
analysis operations. The post also requires someone with good communications skills who is
able to negotiate with corporate clients: I enjoy making new contacts and establishing
relationships with a wide range of people, and have successfully liaised with Spanish
companies when arranging student activities while I was a Teaching Assistant in Seville.

I feel that the position offered would be ideal in giving me the opportunity to use my education
and skills to provide a high level of service for the international client profile you describe. I
look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Sara Green


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